Topic: Anyone know "TRN"?

Posted under Art Talk

I've been doing more then my fair share of research on this guy ones I came across one of his Artworks out of the blue.

Dramatization of my research:

I looked him up here and I got nothing, looked him up up on furaffinity and again zip then on rule34xxx I got three but, I wan't 100% sure that was actually him though. I first though he must of been on the "avoid posting" list if he's not here already but, when I looked "TRN" wasn't there. I went head and posted the Art I found that lead me on this mini adventure in the first place (Link: ) But I'm still left with questions: Does anyone know this guy or was he undiscovered until now?

Maybe I just got the name wrong or something (| ‿◠)

Updated by Cynosure

Don't know about another source for that particular image (doesn't seem to be in any of their other galleries), but from what I've been able to gather that is their twitter account. This is what I came up with for other sources:

After looking at the twitter post, it might be a colorization of something from toorin, but I haven't looked through all of their art to confirm/rule it out. (toorin is talking to TRN on that twitter post, but google translate is somewhat unhelpful to me here)

Hope that helps.

Updated by anonymous

It's does,
Thanks too you I can now properly tag my post without the niggling thought of "What if I messed up somewhere." bugging me. n_n

And I'll just put both there names
(iceman1984 does that particular art style and toonrin seems to be the master of most things Ork so it was probably a collaboration project between the two of them imo)

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
Don't know about another source for that particular image (doesn't seem to be in any of their other galleries), but from what I've been able to gather that is their twitter account. This is what I came up with for other sources:

After looking at the twitter post, it might be a colorization of something from toorin, but I haven't looked through all of their art to confirm/rule it out. (toorin is talking to TRN on that twitter post, but google translate is somewhat unhelpful to me here)

Hope that helps.

You're so good at organizing posts ;-; pls stop, you're making my roughly organized spoiler and bold letters look bad.

Updated by anonymous

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