Topic: BURodiversity

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #7932 is pending approval.

create alias rainbow_infinity_symbol (2) -> neurodiversity_pride_symbol (10)
mass update autism_symbol -> neurodiversity_pride_symbol
create implication neurodiversity_pride_symbol (10) -> infinity_symbol (516)

Reason: Technically the autism pride symbol is actually a gold infinity symbol, but there's a very prominent misconception that the rainbow infinity symbol refers to autism specifically, so I'm aliasing it to that since all the tags are referring to the rainbow infinity.

Also I think the more literal description is better for the main tag name because people who don't know what the symbol means can still see that there's a rainbow infinity symbol present.

i specifically voted for that rainbow infinity symbol has developed to group other disabilities. the new golden infinity symbol is very specifically catered to autistic people.

autism symbol may could be interpreted to outdated puzzle piece symbol in some posts (this could also include other obscure but contemporary autism symbols). as unfortunate as it is, reasonably since it was made before the rise of newer one and lack of awareness on bad connotations with outdated one.

snake-girl said:
i specifically voted for that rainbow infinity symbol has developed to group other disabilities. the new golden infinity symbol is very specifically catered to autistic people.

autism symbol may could be interpreted to outdated puzzle piece symbol in some posts (this could also include other obscure but contemporary autism symbols). as unfortunate as it is, reasonably since it was made before the rise of newer one and lack of awareness on bad connotations with outdated one.

I can switch the alias to mass update instead if that would work better. Currently the only images tagged autism_symbol are referring to the rainbow infinity symbol.

Edit: Changed alias to mass update in the BUR.

We don't say "pink_blue_and_white_stripes" we use "trangender_pride_colors". "Rainbow_infinity_symbol" sounds like color+symbol, like "green_plus_sign" or "multicolored_biohazard_symbol," which isn't something that's tagged.

regsmutt said:
We don't say "pink_blue_and_white_stripes" we use "trangender_pride_colors". "Rainbow_infinity_symbol" sounds like color+symbol, like "green_plus_sign" or "multicolored_biohazard_symbol," which isn't something that's tagged.

I'm not opposed to reversing the alias either, in fact I'll edit it to go the other way right now. I wasn't 100% sure on which way it should go.

regsmutt said:
We don't say "pink_blue_and_white_stripes" we use "trangender_pride_colors". "Rainbow_infinity_symbol" sounds like color+symbol, like "green_plus_sign" or "multicolored_biohazard_symbol," which isn't something that's tagged.

Bump because I fixed this ^ and changed the alias for autism symbol to a mass update, since there are other autism symbols, but right now the tag is just being used for the neurodiversity_pride_symbol.