Topic: Tag alias: motivational_art -> positive_message

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions



The tag alias #70204 motivational_art -> positive_message is pending approval.

Reason: I think "positive message" is broader and more clear, could also maybe be an implication but I don't really think the distinction is super necessary?

A lot of what's currently under motivational_art is more generally positive messages for the viewer than strictly motivational ones, anyways:

post #1686424 post #484857

(Also, pedantic, but the messaging is what's positive/encouraging in these posts, not really the art itself :P)

There's probably a couple other small related tags floating around, I was surprised there wasn't really a unified tag for this. I know there's inspirational, but that tag's kind of a hot mess so I just manually added the positive_message tag to the posts it applied to.

Unrelated - I tried digging through wholesome additions to see if there were any posts I could salvage from there, and good lord it really put into perspective why that tag was invalidated, I gave up sifting through post change history because it was mostly people adding it to random pictures of couples having sex.



genjar said:
Do posts like these count as 'positive message'?
post #1594960 post #4572446
(Though I suppose the second could be mistagged.)

Second is mistagged, I think. Text on the first one I would say counts even if juxtaposed with darker imagery.

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