Topic: (SOLVED) Broken deleted posts in favorites.

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

I've had this issue for a while now, but there are five deleted posts in my favorites that I can't remove for some reason. Every time I click the favorite button it gives me an "Error: You have already favorited this post" popup even though the button to favorite is green, implying I haven't already favorited the post. Not sure what to do.


hunter_35 said:
I've had this issue for a while now, but there are five deleted posts in my favorites that I can't remove for some reason. Every time I click the favorite button it gives me an "Error: You have already favorited this post" popup even though the button to favorite is green, implying I haven't already favorited the post. Not sure what to do.

Try going to fav:Hunter_35 status:deleted then change the mode to unfavourite

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