Topic: [REJECTED] Tag alias: ghetto -> invalid_tag

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag alias #70207 ghetto -> invalid_tag has been rejected.

Reason: A ghetto is a real thing, but this tag is being used to disparagingly refer to characters who look/act "ghetto". A lot of it feels racially charged, which is why I'm suggesting aliasing rather than the invalid category.

However, there are a few posts that should be retagged because they do refer to an actual ghetto:

post #8595

As well as posts that should be retagged as streetwear, y2k_(fashion), etc.

Edit: ghetto -streetwear -y2k_(fashion) -alternative_fashion - Most of what's left feels extremely racially charged, doesn't help that one of the most common characters in the tag is literally named a n-word pun :|

EDIT: The tag alias ghetto -> invalid_tag (forum #404191) has been rejected by @Nimphia.

Updated by auto moderator

Might be better to just remove the tag from posts it doesn't apply to rather then just making it an alias.

yetanothertemp said:
Might be better to just remove the tag from posts it doesn't apply to rather then just making it an alias.

I would agree, but it's likely to attract more uses and there's only a tiny handful of actually fitting posts at the moment. I only saw 2 or 3 out of the 255 posts in the tag.

nimphia said:
ghetto -set:invalidgetto - There's still a good few I would also say are invalid, though it seems there are more referring to a literal ghetto than I initially thought, though not a lot. Though I do have to wonder how distinct they are from just alley or urban.

Presumably, a post featuring a ghetto could include alleys and by definition would be urban. I'd say it would need a visible level of disrepair and/or grime to qualify.

I'm fine with tossing the tag just for being vague, on top of the racially charged stuff.



Hmm, slums and redneck come to mind, giving two of the common meanings of ghetto. One being literally another slang term for a poor area, and the other being for a stereotype. There's also shanty town in one post. I don't think anything like Hoovervilles or tent city is tagged, but best to check (they aren't).
TBF, redneck as used as a tag seems to refer to rural people from the south.
Question: Is there even a neutral term for a poor neighborhood? The term ghetto referring to behavior or people is obviously objectionable. The meaning referring to being cheaply homemade should not have been tagged that in the first place if it even has been.

I agree this tag is pretty awful for all these reasons.

votp said:
Presumably, a post featuring a ghetto could include alleys and by definition would be urban. I'd say it would need a visible level of disrepair and/or grime to qualify.

And you just know if you created a literally ghetto tag, some fools would use the "figurative" (ignorant or sarcastic) definition of 'literally'. Same with 'actually'. I blame 4chan. :P

That shanty town post is accurate but very specific definition. It's almost the very opposite of a concrete jungle situation.

LOL, as a Texan, this post is a hilarious and accurate example of the redneck tag: post #4707678


Let’s use the invalid category for this one instead, so that tags can be corrected whenever it’s misapplied. I’ll wait until the correct uses of the tags are moved to ghetto_(location) before doing anything here. The rest can be nuked.

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