The bulk update request #8009 is pending approval.
create implication pink_nose_horn (3) -> nose_horn (3594)
create implication orange_nose_horn (3) -> nose_horn (3594)
create implication yellow_nose_horn (13) -> nose_horn (3594)
create implication multicolored_nose_horn (9) -> nose_horn (3594)
create implication brown_nose_horn (53) -> nose_horn (3594)
create implication purple_nose_horn (15) -> nose_horn (3594)
create implication red_nose_horn (13) -> nose_horn (3594)
create implication blue_nose_horn (20) -> nose_horn (3594)
create implication grey_nose_horn (23) -> nose_horn (3594)
create implication white_nose_horn (72) -> nose_horn (3594)
create implication black_nose_horn (109) -> nose_horn (3594)
create implication green_nose_horn (6) -> nose_horn (3594)
Reason: Even though these tags aren't commonly used, I think adding the implications is better.