Topic: Tag alias: scent_play -> scentplay

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

genjar said:
Well, food play is the most 'common' of these and it's spelled with space. Flip?

foot_play is also with a space, so i feel like you're right. it makes more sense to keep the one with the space.

genjar said:
Should be fixed. It derives from roleplay, so using spaces is grammatical ('animal roleplay' vs 'animalroleplay') — and that's what most internet sites are going with. Wikipedia included.

I think the difference is that "petplay"/"ponyplay" and "ageplay" are the commonly used forms. I feel like you can have animal roleplay that isn't petplay, so that wouldn't be a great alias anyways. Wikipedia actually does use "Ageplay".

Anything that isn't an established term without a space should have a space though, IMO.

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