Topic: Extremely Slow Result Response Times

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

I apologize if I'm putting this in the wrong place. I almost never use the forum section. I'm noticing extremely slow response times right now. If you search a tag it's taking up to 10 seconds for the thumbnails to load. This is abnormal behavior at least in my experience. I've done speed tests on my end getting 300mbps down and 300mbps up. I usually run with my VPN off so when I first noticed the issue I closed my browser turned my VPN on and tried again. Same issue, usually it takes half a second if even that for thumbnails to load upon searching a tag or clicking on a result. I took a look at e621's twitter account no info there talking about this issue. I'm gonna try clearing my cache next and see if that helps just wanted to see if this was a known issue or if anyone else was experiencing this issue. I tried searching for already existing posts about this issue but I couldn't find any so again if this isn't the right place for this I apologize.

Nevermind upon clearing my cache and cookies on my browser everything is running as it should. Please disregard my post.

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