Topic: Tag Alias: comic_cover -> cover_page (and some related tags for discussion)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing comic_cover → cover_page
Link to alias


There are a lot of these tags (including cover sometimes), and while it isn't an entirely necessary tag, it's handy for finding the back and front pages of a series, and we might as well at least use a generic term and make sure they are all in the same place.

Related tags:

  • magazine_cover (90)
    • Issue: Posts like post #577182 where it's not actually a real magazine.
  • album_cover (57)
    • Worth mentioning, but not exactly related. Seems analogous to magazine_cover and is often used for parody art.
  • cover (498)
    • Ambiguous, but is often used for a cover page.
    • Issue: Sometimes used in place of covering_*, covers, etc.
  • cover_art
    • Issue: Can refer to a cover page or album cover.
  • doujin_cover (22)
    • doujin was aliased to comic a while ago without discussion (forum #11305) but doujinshi wasn't (forum #144590)
    • It's worth mentioning that doujin is any type of art (roughly the equivalent of "indie" here), but it usually refers to doujinshi in English (similar to how sushi is often used as a synonym for raw fish - sashimi)
    • I don't see much of a difference between this and cover_page tbh. But if there is a difference, it should probably be aliased to doujinshi_cover and imply cover_page.
  • book_cover (15)
    • Issue: Not exactly a "page", but not a widely used tag either. Worth mentioning.


I'd be fine with aliasing all of these to --> cover_page. Aliasing cover seems like it could be an issue in concept, but in the almost 500 images under it, almost all of them are cover_page's so perhaps it's not much of an issue if we alias it to --> cover_page as well.

Mainly I don't see much use in being overly specific about which type of cover it is. But I'm going to bump it before processing it, in case anyone had any last objections to any of these or found the specification of the type of cover in some way useful? If so we can discuss implicating some, but I suspect these are in the realm of overly-specific in a way that isn't useful. And that it would be better to just collapse them all into one tag for the whole thing.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Album_cover has significantly different 'feel' from the rest. Those are all stand-alone, with no content 'pages'. I don't think it should be aliased to things like comic covers, etc.

And I've got some use out of the magazine_cover tag. The fake ones tend to pretty creative, and there'd be no way to search for those if it gets aliased to cover. So I'm against that alias too, especially since I can't think of any actual use for the cover tag. It's just too generic.

Updated by anonymous

I agree with Genjar on this one. Album_cover seems to be pretty clean and I don't see it getting mixed up with anything. Magazine_cover is a bit messy though since it is partly used for cover pages of actual magazines and partly for fake ones.

We could potentially use something like fake_cover_page or fake_magazine_cover and implicate it to cover_page, which would both make it more obvious of a tag and also differentiate it from other cover pages.

Related: Any thoughts with moving the doujin alias to doujinshi instead, and then implying comic? I had proposed an alias for it in forum #144590, but not much discussion came from it.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

parasprite said:
Related: Any thoughts with moving the doujin alias to doujinshi instead, and then implying comic?

Now that I've thought about it more, I'm not sure if it's necessary to differentiate those. While doujin refers to all types, it's pretty unlikely to see any other types here. Games, software and music are unlikely to be uploaded.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Now that I've thought about it more, I'm not sure if it's necessary to differentiate those. While doujin refers to all types, it's pretty unlikely to see any other types here. Games, software and music are unlikely to be uploaded.

Probably even less likely to get tagged for those posts anyways. Especially since doujin has been aliased to comic for a number of years already.

Updated by anonymous

I was about to start suggesting some aliases regarding this but I'll just bump this thread and do it here instead to keep things tidy.

I was thinking that as we currently have several tags to use for these type of images (as pointed out by parasprite) that it'd be good to try and get as many of them in one place as possible as these tags seem to be used quite inconsistantly.

I think aliasing all of the above to cover would be the best idea since if it's a comic's cover page it would be tagged with comic anyway, so cover comic will find those and cover -comic would find the others.

Edit: It seems we also have front_cover and front_page. I'll see if I can find any others.

Updated by anonymous

The following changes were made:

Updated by anonymous