Topic: Got any game(s) you like but don't have "rose tinted glasses" for?

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Anyone got any games you played or used to play and were fond of or at the very least wouldn't mind doing another playthrough of but if you were asked, you could talk about the flaws or potential improvements it could have? I'll keep my discussion about the flaws in games I like short and I'll go more in depth with my list of their shortcomings in further posts on this topic if asked.

My list of games is Pokemon Heart Gold, M&L: Bowser's Inside Story, Streets of Rage 2, Paper Mario Sticker Star, Super Mario 64 DS, Terraria, Minecraft, Skyrim, Spelunky, Sonic 2, Sonic 3 & Knuckles and probably more that I can't think of.

Spelunky has the infamous angry shopkeeper music overriding whatever the current track would be for the level until you kill them all or don't interact with them yet during the current level. Sonic 2 has Metropolis zone, the only zone in the game with three acts. Of all the levels, it had to be the most infuriating one of all (minus the last zone where you have no rings). Bowser's Inside Story has tutorials every now and again that just feels like I'm being treated like a child and even then when I decided to replay the game from the beginning again when I actually was a child, it just got annoying to replay, although that didn't stop me. There's also the giant bowser fight with Peach's Castle that bugged me with the unavoidable damage, but it makes sense why it's a thing. And then there's the train fight that starts from after the train moves once, feeling like the fight starts at a disadvantage which is already on a somewhat tight timer. SM64 DS had the flight controls inverted(?) and the original DS/DSI hardware the game was meant for only had a d-pad usually resulting in less precise movement compared to the original N64 game.

I'll hold off on listing the rest on this so it won't look like I made an essay or wall of text to read.

Like I said on my last forum post, only quote what you're responding to. There's no need to respond to ALL of the main post

one game I played over and over was Megaman 64. it was the first time I played a game through all the difficulty settings and upgraded everything. even thought it got repetitive I still beat the game using just one unique weapon at a time

Gotcha Force was another fun "gotta catch'em all" game where you keep collecting through the previous save files (new game +) but start the story all over again kind of like darksouls

then there's Metal Arms Glitch In The System, that was a fun sci-fi 3rd person shooter where you had a small arsenal upgradable weapons. All the characters were machines so one weapon that was fun to use was a hacking device of sorts that would allow you to take over other enemies and use their own weapons against them

other favs were banji Kazooie 1 and 2, Quest 64, Custom Robo (gc), NFS Most Wanted, Super Double Dragon, Contra 3 and Top Gear

I feel like, overall, I've always been pretty critical of the media I've consumed. I'm not sure there are that many games that I'd only recognize their flaws as an adult.

the only things I can think of like this are just stuff you likely wouldn't recognize as a big problem on your first go. like how horribly long and boring Paper Mario's prologue is especially since you're unable to use action commands, the Mario RPG's most core mechanic.

I will say that some of my top 10-ish games of all time have the caveat that I'd never even consider playing them again because their main draw is how they tell their story, and they're just not super fun otherwise. particularly, this is how I feel about Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland*, this game in some ways is, honestly, a masterpiece, the way it weaves its core gameplay loop and how the player feels about it into the game's narrative is kind of indescribable, and there are several points throughout the later half that are kind of jaw-dropping. but, at the same time, the game is excruciatingly boring and slow a lot of the time and it's also one of those landscape primarily-touchscreen DS titles, which means extended play sessions will get very uncomfortable.

*never neglect the chance to reccomend a Love-De-Lic game.


Dark cloud 2.

It's a great, memorable game but it's not too difficult to notice the flaws (even if some might give a bit of charm to it).

Sonic Heroes.
I love that game, but boy, is it rough.
Like, I feel like I don't really need to list down what all's the problems with that game, as one could easily find discussions about it, but yeah.
Tons of things that could be fixed with that game, even the GCN version, which apparently is the best version of it, needs lots of fixing up.

The Crash Bandicoot franchise comes to mind, immediately, for the annoyances and bugs.
There's also Breath of Fire and Legend of Dragoon for translation quality (Woolsey should be tried at the Hague.) and some of the more guide-require collection type things.
Quake, while something I've spent a frankly worryingly large quantity of time playing, has the Vore's ball of death, and some of the mission pack levels are... less-than-pleasant.
Silent Hill 1-4 are all delightful, unless you're trying to get specific endings in 2, or haven't played anything with ye olde tank controls or a ready-then-attack system for a long time.
Daggerfall's dungeons are... well, there's no guides because of how the game works, so if there's fuckery afoot you might legitimately have to debug your way around it.

... Yeah, a few.

dimwit12 said:
does mairo kart wii count

I don't see why not. Got any issues with the game that could've been improved if there was a chance of it being remade
or something that bothers you, but not enough to put off touching the game again?



i know it's been said more times and more ways than "merry christmas," but i have to mention WoW having a phenomenal first few xpacs then devolving into absolute dogshit when all the original people who created the company were chased out by shareholders and everything they touched became a bad joke.

final fantasy 14 may very well die despite being all-around phenomenal cause the devs are too busy jerking off to the awesome story they wrote to even consider letting new players skip it. new players can't come in cause they're greeted with a thousand hour wall of old content starting from almost a decade back that they have to climb to play with everyone else. no one's gonna put up with that just to be able to hop on with their bud who likes the game, and almost everyone's gonna quit when they realize they're stuck with five-six buttons for the first few hundreds of hours if they even want to consider trying to climb the wall. and if you skip all the side content and just spam to skip cutscenes and text, you're then left with over a hundred hours of fetch-quests and "walk here"'s, devoid of all meaning, that'll serve just as well as the other alternatives to deter people. i sold my old account to pay student fees and haven't paid attention to the new xpac info, so if they're actually fixing this with the new xpac i guess i'm writing all this in vain, but if not jfc you jackwagons learn to summarize.

a lot of wii games were decent but for the most part that motion stick was fucking awful in regards to its imprecision when it came to doing anything other than pointing with it.

breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom are good games but i half wish they'd kept the zelda brand off of it. it's too different in every way and letting the series die peacefully, to me, could even be viewed as preferable in a way. the train game they decided to shove link's face onto last minute was 99x more on brand with what zelda is than not-as-good-as-skyrim-skyrim. also the new zelda just irks me for some reason like bitch shut up ur annoying as fuck

gwent was a great game (the standalone) but i think i heard it and any future updates finally died officially a few months back. the alpha and beta were completely different. now when i say completely different, you probably think that's an expression, yeah? no. menus? different. game modes? different. game flow and rules? different. every single card in the game? different. what's hilarious is that both were great, so why they chose to do that is just beyond me. it bewildered half the active players into quitting like lmao. it was being so positively reviewed in beta and even had a thriving esports league starting, like wtf were they just bored with nothing to do? and it came out of nowhere without really being revealed or explained before alpha launched. i get its a hard industry to enter that's being held by the balls by mtg and hearthstone but like damn, they really made the best game in the genre on the market not once but twice, and still managed to kill the playerbase with poor marketing and odd decisions.

i haven't played the new dlc at all but the objectives in cyberpunk that didn't have a narrative were fucking boring. so obvious they just needed shit to put in the giant city they modeled. remember one of the highest rated reviews on steam being "wide as the ocean deep as a puddle" and that really hits the open world on the head. spend less time making everything stupidly huge and more time making playable content to put in what you do make. also, maybe the worst-balanced triple a game i've played in a long while. even on the hardest difficulty you're practically in god mode just annihilating all the enemies with ease all the time as soon as you leave the first area. and it only gets worse as you play. no game should let the character balancing reach a point where you become "broken" because the fun just ends there. no one wants to play darts when the rules let you walk to the fucking board and stick the dart in with your hand, now do they?

Banished, probably.
It's an old game by a single developer and it shows; there's no end-goal, you reach all the late-game stuff fast (its not a very big game), it gets pretty laggy late-game...
But its just so charming, I can't help every once and awhile opening up a new save and keeping myself busy for a few days :D

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