Topic: paw_shoes disambiguation

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I think instead paw_shoes should be defined and limited to toeless shoes designed to work with/emphasize paw shape.
The reason is that open_toed_shoes is aliased to toeless_shoes. Currently open-toe styles like sandals, open_toe_heel, and flip_flops don't imply toeless_shoes, but they should.
This would put open-toe paw shoes in a weird place where they're not directly searchable without excluding a bunch of tags, and I think this is an established enough trope to have a tag.

regsmutt said:
I think instead paw_shoes should be defined and limited to toeless shoes designed to work with/emphasize paw shape.
The reason is that open_toed_shoes is aliased to toeless_shoes. Currently open-toe styles like sandals, open_toe_heel, and flip_flops don't imply toeless_shoes, but they should.
This would put open-toe paw shoes in a weird place where they're not directly searchable without excluding a bunch of tags, and I think this is an established enough trope to have a tag.

The problem is that these tags are still pretty ambiguous. "open toe" can mean toeless/toe_cutout, sandals, or paw "shoes" that don't cover the paw. They're different, but people always mix them up.
Are you on e621 discord? I think this needs live conversation.


This definitely feels like it needs to be disambiguated. To me, when I see paw_shoes, I think of digitigrade_footwear, aka shoes that's formed to the dimensions of a digitigrade paw. However, I can see other people thinking it means pawpads on the soles while still being otherwise plantigrade.

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