Topic: Iridescent BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #8449 is pending approval.

create implication iridescent_body (143) -> iridescent (1103)
create implication iridescent_fur (193) -> iridescent_body (143)
create implication iridescent_fur (193) -> fur (1679105)
create implication iridescent_feathers (86) -> iridescent_body (143)
create implication iridescent_feathers (86) -> feathers (215316)
create implication iridescent_scales (179) -> iridescent_body (143)
create implication iridescent_scales (179) -> scales (152912)
create implication iridescent_skin (40) -> iridescent_body (143)
create implication iridescent_exoskeleton (4) -> iridescent_body (143)
create implication iridescent_exoskeleton (4) -> exoskeleton (4116)
create implication iridescent_hair (214) -> iridescent (1103)
create implication iridescent_hair (214) -> hair (1722265)
create implication iridescent_wings (129) -> iridescent (1103)
create implication iridescent_wings (129) -> wings (404062)
create implication iridescent_tail (122) -> iridescent (1103)
create implication iridescent_tail (122) -> tail (1327378)
create implication iridescent_mane (66) -> iridescent (1103)
create implication iridescent_mane (66) -> mane (48026)
create implication iridescent_eyes (62) -> iridescent (1103)
create implication iridescent_horn (63) -> iridescent (1103)
create implication iridescent_horn (63) -> horn (652858)
create implication iridescent_butt (20) -> iridescent (1103)
create implication iridescent_butt (20) -> butt (989671)
create implication iridescent_markings (17) -> iridescent (1103)
create implication iridescent_markings (17) -> markings (383021)

Reason: Gonna be a long one so I'm not going to spam all the parts at once. This BUR establishes a tag family for iridescent, referring to the colorful shimmering effect on surfaces. This is based on Wandering Spaniel's BUR to establish sparkling_*, as well as hopefully making progress towards dealing with the giant meaningless mess that is glistening_* by establishing tags for one of the things commonly lumped into it.

This BUR simply implies iridescent_* to iridescent and the applicable thing. Starting with body-related stuff because unlike clothing it usually doesn't involve an elaborate tag tree...

Here's a rainbow jewel beetle for your time.

post #3431116

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