Topic: Glitch Techs BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #8460 is pending approval.

create implication ally_(glitch_techs) (2) -> glitch_techs (34)
create implication glitched_miko (12) -> glitch_techs (34)
create implication hector_nieves (1) -> glitch_techs (34)
create implication horn_(glitch_techs) (0) -> glitch_techs (34)
create implication miko_kubota (26) -> glitch_techs (34)
create implication phil_altiere (4) -> glitch_techs (34)
create alias ridley_(glitch_techs) (1) -> ridley_croft (0)
create implication ridley_croft (0) -> glitch_techs (34)
create alias zahra_(glitch_techs) (0) -> zahra_rashid (0)
create implication zahra_rashid (0) -> glitch_techs (34)

Reason: Characters from Glitch Techs.

glitched_miko might need some discussion since it's not an official form of Miko Kubota.

horn_(glitch_techs) and zahra_(glitch_techs) have been used as tags before.

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