Topic: Tag alias: cumshot_in_mouth -> cumshot_into_mouth

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions



There seems to be plenty of uses that aren't that:
post #4669198 post #4692329 post #4751964 post #4767068 post #4767075 (and more...)

And cases where it's a cumshot with cum_in_mouth, the cumshot not being in/into the mouth:
post #4625761
Or just a cumshot with cum near the mouth and not in/into:
post #4648572
Some without even a cumshot:
post #4655221 post #4749583 post #4723539

All on the first page of results. This seems to be pretty badly mistagged, and I don't think changing in to into will help much.


Former Staff

Good idea for a tag, but clearly needs a lot of work. Need a better name for it, but I can't think of anything good. ...long_distance_cum_in_mouth?

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