Topic: [BUR] through_clothing, inside_clothing, and clothing_inside

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #8502 is pending approval.

create implication through_underwear (41) -> through_clothing (782)
create implication through_shirt (0) -> through_clothing (782)
create implication through_pants (0) -> through_clothing (782)
create implication through_bra (0) -> through_clothing (782)
create implication through_bodysuit (0) -> through_clothing (782)
create implication through_diaper (3) -> through_clothing (782)
create implication through_panties (0) -> through_underwear (41)

Reason: through_clothing is used for when (mostly sexual) activities are happening through clothing. More specific examples should implicate the tag.

The bulk update request #8503 is pending approval.

create implication clothing_inside (16) -> clothing (1947315)
create implication clothing_inside (16) -> object_insertion (839)

Reason: clothing_inside -> clothing because clothing is inserted into someone
Not implicating clothing_in_* -> clothing_inside as clothing_inside would imply majority insertion, and some tags like through_clothing don't always show majority insertion, and the case of shirtlift posts like post #4165184

The bulk update request #8504 is pending approval.

create implication inside_shirt (2) -> inside_clothing (868)
create implication inside_pants (5) -> inside_clothing (868)
create implication inside_bra (0) -> inside_clothing (868)
create implication inside_shoe (116) -> inside_clothing (868)
create implication inside_diaper (63) -> inside_clothing (868)
create implication inside_sock (36) -> inside_clothing (868)
create implication inside_hat (8) -> inside_clothing (868)

Reason: inside_clothing is used when a character is wholly or mostly inside another's clothing. More specific examples should implicate the tag.

The bulk update request #8505 is pending approval.

mass update underwear_stuffing -> underwear_inside
mass update panty_stuffing -> panties_inside
create implication underwear_inside (0) -> clothing_inside (16)
create implication underwear_inside (0) -> underwear (344231)
create implication panties_inside (0) -> underwear_inside (0)
create implication panties_inside (0) -> panties (150245)
create implication underwear_gag (63) -> underwear_inside (0)
create implication underwear_gag (63) -> underwear_in_mouth (222)
create implication panty_gag (80) -> underwear_gag (63)
create implication panty_gag (80) -> panties_inside (0)
create implication panty_gag (80) -> panties_in_mouth (170)
create implication underwear_in_pussy (2) -> underwear_inside (0)
create implication underwear_in_pussy (2) -> clothing_in_pussy (2)
create implication underwear_in_anus (0) -> clothing_in_anus (14)
create implication panties_in_anus (0) -> underwear_in_anus (0)
create implication underwear_in_mouth (222) -> clothing_in_mouth (183)
create implication panties_in_mouth (170) -> underwear_in_mouth (222)

Reason: Panty stuffing is a fairly common trope in porn, though moreso with irl porn. Still, there are a few posts here that I found involving the kink.
Also including a generalization with underwear_inside
While it's commonly a partial (or full) insertion into the vagina, it could also include insertions into other orifices, hence the *_in_anus, *_in_mouth

Originally was going to tag as underwear_stuffing and panty_stuffing akin to the kink name, but figured keeping with the clothing_inside is a better choice

The bulk update request #8506 is pending approval.

mass update diaper_stuffing -> inside_diaper
create alias diaper_stuffing (52) -> diaper_inside (0) # has blocking transitive relationships, cannot be applied through BUR
create implication diaper_inside (0) -> diaper (22771)
create implication diaper_inside (0) -> clothing_inside (16)
create implication diaper_inside (0) -> object_insertion (839)

Reason: To make diaper_stuffing consistent with the above *_stuffing tags
diaper_stuffing is used for characters trapped inside a diaper, so (inside_diaper entrapment) would work well enough as a search.

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