Topic: [REJECTED] [BUR] Mackerel

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #8572 has been rejected.

create implication mackerel (123) -> scombrid (215)
create alias true_mackerel (0) -> mackerel (123)

Reason: True_mackerel is unpopulated and not so common expression. I think it's better if there are false mackerels, independent tags for them should be tagged especially in the case they are not of Scombridae.
Unlike the relation between Fox and True Fox (they are under the subfamily Caninae), false mackerels include species of other orders such as Jack mackerel (Saurel).

EDIT: The bulk update request #8572 (forum #408437) has been rejected by @macsionnaigh.

Updated by auto moderator

I think this is a case where an alias request would've been better; an alias request would carry over the implication and not be blocked by it