Topic: Tag alias: lizard_penis -> penis

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions



Aliasing to lizard may be better. As it is, typing in liz gives the top two autocomplete results as lizard_girl -> reptile and lizard-mouse -> hybrid, the third result finally being lizard. With this alias, lizard_penis -> penis would be at the top, pushing lizard to fourth place.

watsit said:
Aliasing to lizard may be better. As it is, typing in liz gives the top two autocomplete results as lizard_girl -> reptile and lizard-mouse -> hybrid, the third result finally being lizard. With this alias, lizard_penis -> penis would be at the top, pushing lizard to fourth place.

Unfortunately the tag is applied to dragons and argonians and other fictional species that may or may not be lizards so that wouldn't work.

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