Topic: Tag alias: unoroute -> unousaya

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag alias #71320 unoroute -> unousaya is pending approval.

Reason: unoroute appears to be the alt account for unousaya's scat content - no effort seems to have been made to keep the names separate here since 87/89 of the unoroute posts are also tagged with unousaya.

Alternatively, we could fix the tags and keep them separate, I'm not sure how big of a "secret" this is supposed to be.

Looking at their profiles, they don't seem to link to each other or mention the other at all. I don't read Japanese, though, someone could correct me. It's definitely the same artist but if they're trying to keep it a secret I think we should respect that.

So, I think we should keep them separate and fix the tags personally.

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