Topic: Tag Implication: sauropod -> dinosaur

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions


Former Staff

Hm. I'm surprised that sauropod is tagged that much...
I suppose some do find it useful. So tentative plus one from me.

If this goes through, apatosaurus implication should be switched from dinosaur to sauropod.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Hm. I'm surprised that sauropod is tagged that much...
I suppose some do find it useful. So tentative plus one from me.

If this goes through, apatosaurus implication should be switched from dinosaur to sauropod.

So far I've come up with this: sauropod.
Related: forum #147459

You should defend your apatosaurian honor from being reduced to mere brontosaurs!

...yes I'm feeling silly today.

Updated by anonymous