Topic: [APPROVED] Artist name alias: Neverkilled -> Raivenderou

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #8682 is active.

create alias neverkilled (8) -> raivenderouthelion (46)
mass update raivenderouthelion_(artist) -> raivenderouthelion

Reason: I am pretty sure these are the same artist.

Neverkilled has removed all the art from their FA, but their last journal there says they have moved to RaivenderouTheLion on FA.

Also, there are a couple of pieces of art that were posted here as Neverkilled, and then later reposted by RaivenderouTheLion on FA:

post #231470

post #293594

EDIT: The bulk update request #8682 (forum #409416) has been approved by @scaliespe.

Updated by auto moderator

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