Topic: [Feature] Append "Tag BUR" in the titles of BURs

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Requested feature overview description.
Just like tag alias and tag implication requests, BUR titles should automatically have "Tag BUR:" in front of them.

I know it's fun to have witty or creative titles with puns and such, but there needs to be a clear indication that the topic contains a BUR that needs discussing and voting on.
In some cases, titles are either completely missing the word "BUR" or are borderline clickbait.

For example, the recent BURs by @DimoretPinel (not trying to single them out, as this is an issue that a lot of other users also do) have clever titles such as:

If it is not possible to implement this on the technical side, then it should at least be punishable as Abuse of Site Tools for posting nondescript/nonsensical titles.

Why would it be useful?
Makes it clear that the topic is not just a random thread for chatting about a certain subject and that it is actually a BUR.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?
Forum, Request BUR



On the one hand, I can agree it would be useful to ensure topic titles indicate it has a BUR. On the other hand, I think it would be better to encourage/require the person to indicate what the BUR is for. Prepending "Tag BUR:" to the front of the first two examples wouldn't really do anything to indicate what it's actually about, if it's something relevant for the reader to look at, making them need to look anyway. It would be better if they put something like "(penis limb BUR)" or "(grub-dog pikmin BUR)" to give some idea of what it is, which can't really be automated.

This suggestion would be better than nothing, but I think making it punishable for making nonsense and uninformative topic titles would be better. Doing both (automatically prepending "Tag BUR: ...", while the user manually adds "... (xyz BUR)") would add redundancy to the topic title redundancy.

thegreatwolfgang said:

For example, the recent BURs by @DimoretPinel (not trying to single them out, as this is an issue that a lot of other users also do) have clever titles such as:

#40145 was from not understanding how to put BURs in an already existing topic, so it's more an example of how certain features of BURs can be confusing to people using them for the first time

Just like tag alias and tag implication requests, BUR titles should automatically have "Tag BUR:" in front of them.

Well it's not appended, the entire title is automatically generated


Thank you SNPtheCat for pointing out the struggle. The BUR "#40145" was for topic #40145 😭

I’ll add (BUR) in front of my BUR titles from now on so you’ll know they’re a BUR.

I think the BUR making page needs a bit of tweaking, like adding instructions, a button to add the "->" arrows, and having a text imput slot per implication/alias instead of 1 big paragraph slot. It can get a little confusing on mobile when the tag names are long so the alias/implication takes multiple lines.

Being able to edit BUR titles would be REAL nice too, to avoid an other #40145…

dimoretpinel said:
Thank you @SNPtheCat for pointing out the struggle. The BUR "#40145" was for topic #40145 😭

I’ll add (BUR) in front of my BUR titles from now on so you’ll know they’re a BUR.

I think the BUR making page needs a bit of tweaking, like adding instructions, a button to add the "->" arrows, and having a text imput slot per implication/alias instead of 1 big paragraph slot. It can get a little confusing on mobile when the tag names are long so the alias/implication takes multiple lines.

I am strongly against the idea of separating the text input slots because that would just make things pretty impractical if you want to copy and paste multiple lines. a button for -> would be nice, but i'm not sure it would see that much use.

Being able to edit BUR titles would be REAL nice too, to avoid an other #40145…

You can edit forum titles if you are the creator of the forum, it's tied to your first message (so press edit on the first message in the thread)


snpthecat said:

You can edit forum titles if you are the creator of the forum, it's tied to your first message (so press edit on the first message in the thread)

I didn’t know that!! Thank you!!

Danbooru has a little [Pending] badge, implementing that could be a good idea.

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