I posted an updated SentinelWinder pic with higher quality (they been posting their pics on Twitter, some with higher quality than their original FurAffinity quality)
The pic from SentinelWinder's Twitter: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQqH0tPXMAAuik_?format=jpg&name=4096x4096
Compare to the post from the FurAffinity source: https://static1.e621.net/data/4f/cf/4fcf865896cd10e6934e7e3fd7a44319.png
However when I posted the pic with higher quality and flagged the older one...the new one with higher quality got deleted instead.
This post was deleted or flagged for the following reasons:
[DELETION] Inferior version/duplicate of post #4704585 - DubsTheFox - about 3 hours ago
(Maybe it's my fault for not fully understanding for not knowing how the replacements work)