Topic: How to get the best quality out of twitter images so no one has to replace mine?

Posted under General

Opening the image in another tab and adding &name=orig to the URL is the main thing.
Just about any other source would usually beat Twitter on quality, though.

Much of the time Twitter/X is the only available source, but if you can check the artist's other pages (Furaffinity, Deviantart, Newgrounds, Inkbunny, etc.) those are always preferable.

Honestly, though, I don't know why higher-resolution twitter JPGs are sometimes replaced by lower-res PNGs from FA. I know twitter compresses the fuck out of images but if the resolution is like 2x bigger I'd rather have the compressed twitter JPG.

pankino2002 said:
but if the resolution is like 2x bigger I'd rather have the compressed twitter JPG.

That is quite literally our baseline metric for when to keep a jpeg over a png
Obviously it isn't that black and white, but if a jpeg is more than twice the resolution of the png version we're very likely keeping it
on the other hand if the png is only a few hundred pixels smaller in either direction, there's a good chance it's better

scth said:
Opening the image in another tab and adding &name=orig to the URL is the main thing.
Just about any other source would usually beat Twitter on quality, though.

It seems there's this PBS twimag thing People use but I have no idea what's that about

pipopa said:
It seems there's this PBS twimag thing People use but I have no idea what's that about is Twitter's web domain (URL/"link") for image hosting. Basically, any time you open an image on Twitter in a new tab, it opens "<stuff>" and that's the source you would use in the "File" section of the e621 uploader.

To get the best quality images (on desktop):
1. Right click image on Twitter
2. Open image in new tab
3. Switch to tab with image
4. Look at the image URL in the top box and select it
5. At the end of the URL, where it says[...]&name=medium replace &name=(size) with &name=orig
6. Copy this URL you just edited and paste it into the File field at the top of the e621 uploader where it says "(or) URL:"
7. You're done! If you did it wrong, a big red box will show up saying you entered a "Sample URL", just make sure the URL ends in &name=orig and it will automatically load a preview without any errors.

Example URL (medium) Example URL (orig)

Notice the only difference between these two URLs are the very end where it says "orig" instead of "medium." But the latter URL leads to a higher resolution image, so always use URLs ending in &name=orig.


pankino2002 said: is Twitter's web domain (URL/"link") for image hosting. Basically, any time you open an image on Twitter in a new tab, it opens "<stuff>" and that's the source you would use in the "File" section of the e621 uploader.

To get the best quality images (on desktop):
1. Right click image on Twitter
2. Open image in new tab
3. Switch to tab with image
4. Look at the image URL in the top box and select it
5. At the end of the URL, where it says "[...]&name=medium" replace &name=(size) with &name=orig

Example URL (medium) Example URL (orig)

Notice the only difference between these two URLs are the very end where it says "orig" instead of "medium." But the latter URL leads to a higher resolution image, so always use URLs ending in &name=orig.

How do I do this on Mobile? That where I upload things

Spefficaly Google chrome app

pipopa said:
How do I do this on Mobile? That where I upload things

Spefficaly Google chrome app

Never mind I understand

Now I won't get my posts replaced : )

pipopa said:
How do I do this on Mobile? That where I upload things

Spefficaly Google chrome app

It's much easier to do it on desktop, but if you have to do it on mobile it's similar:

1. Open Twitter on your app of choice
2. Click image you want to upload
3. Hold click on image
4. Open in new tab
5. Switch to tab with image
6. At the top (on Chrome) or at the bottom (in Firefox) you'll see the URL, click on it and then hit the Copy button to copy the URL (it looks different in every app but in mine it looks like two papers)
7. Paste this wherever you want so you can edit it, but for instance I paste it into the e621 Uploader in the File field where it says "(or) URL:"
8. Select the URL you just pasted, now move the cursor to the end of the URL where it says &name=(size) and backspace/delete until it just says &name=
9. Now type "orig" and your URL should end in &name=orig. It'll show you a preview of the image in the uploader, and there won't be any red warning boxes.


pankino2002 said:
It's much easier to do it on desktop, but if you have to do it on mobile it's similar:

1. Open Twitter on your app of choice
2. Click image you want to upload
3. Hold click on image
4. Open in new tab
5. Switch to tab with image
6. At the top (on Chrome) or at the bottom (in Firefox) you'll see the URL, click on it and then hit the Copy button to copy the URL (it looks different in every app but in mine it looks like two papers)
7. Paste this wherever you want so you can edit it, but for instance I paste it into the e621 Uploader in the File field where it says "(or) URL:"
8. Select the URL you just pasted, now move the cursor to the end of the URL where it says &name=(size) and backspace/delete until it just says &name=
9. Now type "orig" and your URL should end in &name=orig. It'll show you a preview of the image in the uploader, and there won't be any red warning boxes.


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