Topic: The leg measurement tree

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #8842 is pending approval.

remove alias thick_legs (0) -> thick_thighs (511792)
create implication thin_legs (10744) -> thin_thighs (12777)
create implication thin_legs (10744) -> thin_calves (11998)
create implication stick_legs (383) -> stick_limbs (285)
create implication stick_arms (299) -> stick_limbs (285)
create implication stick_legs (383) -> stick_thighs (313)
create implication stick_legs (383) -> stick_calves (327)
create implication stick_legs (383) -> micro_legs (952)
create implication stick_thighs (313) -> micro_thighs (1103)
create implication stick_calves (327) -> micro_calves (1378)
create implication micro_thighs (1103) -> thin_thighs (12777)
create implication micro_calves (1378) -> thin_calves (11998)
create implication micro_legs (952) -> thin_legs (10744)
create implication micro_legs (952) -> micro_thighs (1103)
create implication micro_legs (952) -> micro_calves (1378)
create alias hypo_thighs (0) -> micro_thighs (1103)
create alias hypo_calves (0) -> micro_calves (1378)
create alias hypo_legs (0) -> micro_legs (952)

Reason: While most female attracted people like thick_thighs, other people, like me prefer thin_thighs. And then there are male attracted people with there own preferences. And what if people have preferences for certain calve widths? I think people like that probable exist. So, tags for that.

But just because a character as thin_thighs that doesn't mean they also have thin_calves, and vice versa. And same goes for thick_calves and thick_thighs. So thick_legs and thin_legs are useful.

Stick_legs are thin by definition, so there's that. And might as well do the implication for stick_limbs while where at it.

You might think stick_thighs and stick_calves are redundant, but looking up stick_calves thick_thighs and thick_calves stick_thighs disproves that idea.

That is my case, please vote. (And I hope I didn't get anything backwards. This is my first one.)

I think it won't let me alias thick_leg to thick_legs until it's unaliased to thick_thighs, so that's annoying. And apparently, I have to make a bunch of aliases a separate BUR.

Edit1: at the suggestion of spe I removed the thin_thighs to thin_lag and thin_calves to thin_leg implications. I also added micro_thighs and micro_calves because the range between thinn_* and stick_* was pretty wide. And if huge_thighs gets to be separate from thick_thighs, then micro_thighs can be separate too.

Edit2: I was going to replace micro_* with noodle_* but someone already made a wiki for noodle_legs and it's a bit different from how I was going to use the micro thighs and calves tags. Please suggest any alternative tag names you have. Not making a micro_legs tag because that might imply an extreme of stubby_legs instead of very thin legs. Stubby_legs also doesn't have a wiki right now, so maybe someone should do that. If there is a forum for that already, feel free to share it.

Edit3: I asked people on forum #418505 for any suggestions that are standard compliment, the only respons told me micro_* was ok. I looked up that hypo_* is the standard antonym of hyper_*, but that prefix doesn't have much use on this site, and is much less known than micro_*, so I am aliasing them together.

However I am concerned that micro might be interpreted as langth in adishin to or instead of width (which is way I didn't have micro_legs in previous edits) like stubby_legs. And I don't have a good answer to the posts with legs that are borderline stick_legs but not quiet. They're essentially stick_legs with an out line so they could count, but I'm not sure. Sorry I don't have an example it's late and that will take some time. So all suggestions are welcomed.

I hope non of this discrergis the mods from approving. I am pretty happy with this, but I am open to feedback. And sorry for the spelling.


1eyed-rosd said:
The bulk update request #8842 is pending approval.

remove alias thick_legs (0) -> thick_thighs (511792)
create implication thin_legs (10744) -> thin_thighs (12777)
create implication thin_legs (10744) -> thin_calves (11998)
create implication stick_legs (383) -> stick_limbs (285)
create implication stick_arms (299) -> stick_limbs (285)
create implication stick_legs (383) -> stick_thighs (313)
create implication stick_legs (383) -> stick_calves (327)
create implication stick_legs (383) -> micro_legs (952)
create implication stick_thighs (313) -> micro_thighs (1103)
create implication stick_calves (327) -> micro_calves (1378)
create implication micro_thighs (1103) -> thin_thighs (12777)
create implication micro_calves (1378) -> thin_calves (11998)
create implication micro_legs (952) -> thin_legs (10744)
create implication micro_legs (952) -> micro_thighs (1103)
create implication micro_legs (952) -> micro_calves (1378)
create alias hypo_thighs (0) -> micro_thighs (1103)
create alias hypo_calves (0) -> micro_calves (1378)
create alias hypo_legs (0) -> micro_legs (952)

Rather than creating implications from thick_leg, you should unalias thick_legs first and then add the implications from that tag in a separate BUR.

spe said:
Rather than creating implications from thick_leg, you should unalias thick_legs first and then add the implications from that tag in a separate BUR.


Uhh I don't love the micro one because micro means something else here

Couldn't it just go stick < thin? Stick for like, on-model scorbunny noodle legs, and thin for realistically thin?

wandering_spaniel said:
Uhh I don't love the micro one because micro means something else here

Couldn't it just go stick < thin? Stick for like, on-model scorbunny noodle legs, and thin for realistically thin?

My choice of trem was based on this hyper_thighs tag, but I see your point. But I would rather save stick_* for one line styled thighs and calves, as one line for a limb is a common stylistic choice. Noodle_* could work, but I'm afraid people might think it refers to a shape instead of a width. I would like to see suggestions.

Bump to restart discussion. Do you guys want to keep this entire family tree of tags or would it be best to prune some (or all) of it?

snpthecat said:
Bump to restart discussion. Do you guys want to keep this entire family tree of tags or would it be best to prune some (or all) of it?

I'd say alias them away. There's really no standard to base "thin legs/calves/thighs" on, or the distinction between "thin" and "micro" for them. It's also not clear if it's referring to the length, e.g. Jigglypuff having micro legs, or their diameter, where there's no real standard to distinguish between normal, thin, and micro. Looking at what's currently tagged thin_legs. it looks like it's getting applied to anything that's not thick_thighs, like these completely normal-looking legs.

stick_arms and stick_legs can possibly stay, if used to refer to arms and legs as a simple line like you'd find on a stick figure. But "thin legs/thighs/calves" and "micro legs/thighs/calves" is too ambiguous, vague, and subjective, IMO.

wandering_spaniel said:
Uhh I don't love the micro one because micro means something else here

Couldn't it just go stick < thin? Stick for like, on-model scorbunny noodle legs, and thin for realistically thin?

I'd probably go with this, tbh. Keep stick_* for the extreme and implicate it to -> thin_* to use for the whole less-than-normal range. Collapse the rest (which I guess is mainly micro_* which is not as intuitive to use in this context anyway) alias away into thin_* .

That should take it back to a practical level. Because there should be something for this end, but no one needs this at such an exact-by-degrees tree of it.

furrypickle said:
I'd probably go with this, tbh. Keep stick_* for the extreme and implicate it to -> thin_* to use for the whole less-than-normal range. Collapse the rest (which I guess is mainly micro_* which is not as intuitive to use in this context anyway) alias away into thin_* .

I'm not sure what thin_thighs would apply to, beyond "anything that's not thick_thighs". The wiki's examples were all chosen by the now-banned user, and more recent uses of the tag like these:
post #5345326 post #5319166
aren't that far from being thick_thighs if given just a smidge more meat (I may argue the first example may actually be, even).

I like furrypickle's suggestion of aliasing to "stick_x", though I'm with Watsit in that I have a pretty strong opinion against "thin_x" tags. Not to speak ill of the banned, but this thread and another thread 1Eyed-Rosd made shows that the personal distinction of "thin vs thick" they were operating under was, to put it lightly, overzealous. To them, anything over "super thin" was thick (even if the leg size was average), and every single part of the leg had to have its own tag and classification.

My opinion: just alias everything to "stick_legs," and forget about any "thin_x" tags or extra thighs/calves/whatever tags (which shouldn't even matter if we're talking about thin legs). If someone has a thing for thin legs but doesn't want stick_legs or thick_thighs, just cut them from search/blacklist them and you'll get what you're looking for. We don't need all these leftover tags from a banned user's misconceptions.

(This would require combing through everything under the tag to remove it from pics where "stick_legs" doesn't apply, but honestly this all needs to be scaled back anyways).