Topic: Tag Alias: akita_inu -> akita

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing akita_inu → akita
Link to alias


The current definition allows for both the American and Japanese breeds. I don't know if there's another tag for the American breed, but the moment I'm not entirely convinced that it's necessary to split the two anyways.

Updated by Genjar

Why an implication? It's the exact same breed, as far as I know. While there are some differences between Japanese and American Akitas, those two names are used interchangeably.

Inu simply means 'dog', so it's not clear which tag should be used for which. Akita_inu for Japanese?

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Why an implication? It's the exact same breed, as far as I know. While there are some differences between Japanese and American Akitas, those two names are used interchangeably.

I kept tossing it back and forth over the last couple months and realized that there was no way around akita being a mix of both. Aliasing it would be good as well, but there were enough posts tagged with it that aliasing it didn't seem quite right.

Inu simply means 'dog', so it's not clear which tag should be used for which. Akita_inu for Japanese?

It's a common enough name for the Japanese variety. People making a distinction over time by importing a foreign word (which happens to be the thing itself) is actually a lot more common than you'd think. (See also: the La Brea tar pits — "the the tar tar pits")

Now whether akita_inu manages to stay distinct tagging-wise as a subtype of akita is another story.

Updated by anonymous

Akita inu tends to be used interchangeably for both, so I don't expect it to stay in order. Maybe it'd be best to rename it to japanese_akita? It's a commonly used name, and makes it clear that it should only be tagged for that type.

Maybe even add american_akita tag and implicate both to akita...

Updated by anonymous