Topic: alias removal: 65rats -/> st4rs6

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

remove alias 65rats -> st4rs6

Reason: While they're the same person, st4rs6 is meant for the artist's SFW images.

I think you made the BUR incorrectly, here's how you do it:

Top of the page, click "Request BUR" (it's right under "Forum" on desktop)
In the "Script" section put unalias 65rats -> st4rs6
(Optional) put 45752 in the "Forum topic" field so that it posts in this topic instead of a new one




Unless the artist is making an attempt to keep the names separate for people to not know they're the same artist (avoiding mentioning one name from the other, etc), e6 prefers to keep an artist's work all under the same tag and not split across multiple tags. Ratings and post tags can be used to find or filter out different types of art. The artist can ask to have two separate tags if they're otherwise known to be the same artist, but it's not generally preferred.

watsit said:
Unless the artist is making an attempt to keep the names separate for people to not know they're the same artist (avoiding mentioning one name from the other, etc), e6 prefers to keep an artist's work all under the same tag and not split across multiple tags. Ratings and post tags can be used to find or filter out different types of art. The artist can ask to have two separate tags if they're otherwise known to be the same artist, but it's not generally preferred.

Ah, I see.

Suppose the artist does want to have the names separate. How do they request e6 to unalias? Is it through the same Request BUR just like others?

Do they have to prove that it was them who request it?

black_bundles said:
Suppose the artist does want to have the names separate. How do they request e6 to unalias? Is it through the same Request BUR just like others?

Yes, just follow the steps I posted, it's the same procedure

black_bundles said:
Do they have to prove that it was them who request it?

It'd be more likely to be approved if it was requested by the artist themself, but if for some reason an artist name was aliased to another and the artist didn't publicly want those two names to be linked, you could do it on their behalf. You'd have to prove they want to be kept separate, though.

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