Topic: Lower Art Quality?

Posted under Art Talk

Has anyone else noticed the massive drop-off in art quality being uploaded to e621?

Couple theories mulling around in my noggin;
- Influx of new artists?
- exodus of skilled artists? (ie self promotion etc)
- AI has pulled skilled artists away?
- site moderation lapse?

🤔 just curious if it's just me...

It's probably just the first one, everything else seems too far out there.

I haven't really noticed any quality shift. Recently I looked through everything in one of my favorite tag combinations and there isn't a whole lof of change other than the increased quality after you get past grandfathered posts. Sometimes an artist will dominate a search for a while if they are the main person producing that content, but that's not the site's quality changing. Occasionally something gets through that should not have, either by mistake or a grey-area judgement call, but these generally get taken down eventually.

like rags; i haven't noticed any too hard of a slip in technical skill or artistry here recently compared to the past couple years

and even then: so what? not every artist has to have the hand of glopossum or tabuley to make good art. unless you got any particularly egregious examples then i'm not raising an eyebrow on this

3rfl said:
Has anyone else noticed the massive drop-off in art quality being uploaded to e621?

Couple theories mulling around in my noggin;
- Influx of new artists?
- exodus of skilled artists? (ie self promotion etc)
- AI has pulled skilled artists away?
- site moderation lapse?

🤔 just curious if it's just me...

What 'is' Art Quality, Dood? ╹‿╹)~★

To sound like a MASSIVE nerd,
Art can't be Good, Bad, High Quality, or Low Quality.

Art, by it's very nature, is subjective.
And to call any kind better or worse than another,
would be doing artists that specialize in the latter
drawing style a big disservice, Dood!

For Example:

Point for High-Quality Art:
post #4900522
"Art with Amazing Levels of Detail in making
every hair on their pelt life-like is High-Quality Art!

Counter for High-Quality Art:
post #4806932
Not exactly, While Realisum is neat, Going full-toon can be just as awesome!
All that attention to detail would go directly into expressing how the peeps feel through
their looks! Making 'em feel like they jumped out of a picture book, Dood! ◠‿◠)

Same, could be said for the point in reverse too, giving us
two totally different meanings for High-Quality Art, Dood! ╹‿╹)

If you haven't found much art here that appeals to you,
That's totally cool, I'm not saying your views aren't valid.
I'm saying Every artist and art enjoyer has different
goalposts too.

There's no universal agreed upon line for quality when
it comes to art since it's all subjective!

Summed up:
You're not gonna get a straight answer with this thread.
Other peeps don't share your eyes, so to speak. Buuut~
If they did, I think they'd be the only ones to get powers
from it! A Eien no geijutsu-tekina me (eternal artistic eye, Dood ◠‿╹)~★