Topic: Tag Implication: breath_of_fire -> video_games

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I don't think we need to differentiate breath of fire games, except maybe Dragon Quarter. The only thing we really hang onto is which Ryu or Nina it is, since they're in all of the games as new incarnations... And which Ryu it is doesn't matter too frequently, anyways.

Updated by anonymous

I've made the following changes:

Edit: A few more

If there are any more characters on here, it's preferable that they have the same suffixes in order to implicate them. I essentially just implicated all that were *_(breath_of_fire) double checking wikipedia so there are probably a few missing. I don't know enough about the game to go through the nina, rand, rei, etc. tags, is anyone willing to sort these?

Updated by anonymous

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