Topic: League of Legends Implications

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I noticed that the implications tied to league_of_legends weren't very extensive, so let's fix that shall we?

Implicating jinx_(league_of_legends) -> league_of_legends
Implicating nasus -> league_of_legends
Implicating akali -> league_of_legends
Implicating alistar -> league_of_legends
Implicating twitch -> league_of_legends
Implicating zac -> league_of_legends
Implicating zyra_(league_of_legends) -> league_of_legends
Implicating rengar -> league_of_legends
Implicating renekton -> league_of_legends
Implicating morgana -> league_of_legends
Implicating elise_(league_of_legends) -> league_of_legends
Implicating vayne -> league_of_legends
Reason: All of the above are characters from the game.

Implicating yordle -> league_of_legends
Reason: Yordle is a race from the game.

If you see something that is missing, please mention what that might be.

Updated by user 59725


Former Staff

Most of those seem good, but Alistair and Morgana might be too common names to implicate without disambiguation. For instance, there's this Morgana:
post #330027

EDIT: And definite no to implicating Twitch to LoL. For instance, many twitch_plays_pokemon posts had the twitch tag at one point. Tends to get tagged for twitch_eaglehart too.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
regarding tags

Yup, agreed on that.
I'd appreciate help sorting the LoL characters to the new tags once created, I have no knowledge whatsoever of the LoL franchise.

Updated by anonymous

I've just approved the yordle one because that's a no-brainer. I submitted the *_(league_of_legends) ones but didn't approve them yet, as I am wondering if using *_(lol) might work better instead. Possibly even for all of them (akin to MLP) since there are several cases where the names conflict with others, as Genjar mentioned.

Note that I probably know even less about the franchise than Peekaboo, probably.

Updated by anonymous

Knotty_Curls said:

fizz and nami_(league_of_legends) are some others

in addition, implications for

fizz -> fish
fizz -> fizz_(league_of_legends) (I'm not too sure if there are other characters named Fizz)
nami_(league_of_legends) -> mermaid

does mermaid already imply marine? just in case

mermaid -> marine

For the record, we avoid implicating character -> species whenever possible as they tend to cause tagging conflicts when they aren't drawn as their usual species.

mermaid does already imply marine, but it wasn't till surprisingly recently.

The others look good though.

I'm still wondering about the _(lol) vs _(league_of_legends) implications. I'd personally go for the shorter ones for convenience, but I didn't want to touch them without getting a second opinion.

Updated by anonymous

Alright, the character -> species thing makes sense.

_(lol) is widely known among the League community to mean League of Legends, so people looking for characters specific to League would appreciate less stuff to type.

_(mlp) got the same treatment, so I don't see why not.

Updated by anonymous

Alright, I've made the following list of changes:

Long list

Updated by anonymous

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