I've noticed -some- people (Like 1% of the sites population) Using different languages other then English on this site.
So is this a good or bad thing? Some people use immersion as a way to learn a language and a good way to do that is by using it to communicate on sites you frequent (I almost did this a while back when I debated posting comments in Korean, the language I am learning. Then putting the English version underneath of the comment between "spoiler" tags (/spoiler)
Is it against the rules to use a different language because most people won't understand you?
Furthermore if it is allowed, do you guys have specific admins to communicate with people of different languages? (Google translate admin OP)
And lastly. Are people allowed to post on the forums in different languages? I have some friends from places like Korea and China who would like to post on these forums but don't want to post in their languages in fear of getting kicked out. (So to speak)
So what are the rules on different languages on different parts of the site?
Updated by alirezatm