Topic: Criminally underused tags

Posted under General

This is a thread for tags that you think should have more art tagged with it.

For example, one-bar_prison is a fantastic bondage tool and I feel like it doesn't deserve to be so niche and unknown. It's a vertical bar or fuckmachine upon which someone is anally or vaginally impaled. Set to the right height, you physically cannot bend over to reach the release mechanism, bonded or otherwise.

color comtrast is super fun one, including high contrast, in mits of my color tagging spree, it had rougly a hundred before my intervene

i don't know if masochism or bitchsuit counts anymore since last time i seen they were only 3 digits posts

A long time ago, group_masturbation only had 3 posts, which was most certainly criminal! Then I added it to about 100 posts over several months, and it caught on. It's now at 1500.

I don't know if any of these are "criminal", but here are tags under 1k posts I wouldn't mind more of:

EDIT: forgot about penis_nursing, which has plenty of posts, but a lot of dubious tagging


Personally I would love having more posts with the pent_up tag. A lot of the tags in the 'See Also' section of that page should also see more use.

All the *_focus tags. Not that I especially enjoy them, or that they are not used, but man they are missing in absolutely massive chunk of art where they should be used.

cum_in_eye (and I would consider most of the posts under this one mistags, but we'd need a "cum_on_eyelid" or "cum_on_closed_eye" tag to fix that)

crocogator said:
A long time ago, group_masturbation only had 3 posts, which was most certainly criminal! Then I added it to about 100 posts over several months, and it caught on. It's now at 1500.

Hey, I was just looking through the group masturbation tag the other day. Thanks for your work!

ugly_bastard seems like a tag thats not utilized when it needs to be. The tag is also the name of a genre of hentai iirc. Although it seems people may misuse the tag on here and apply it to posts with any kind of uncanny/uncomfortably drawn humans, even when they arent doing anything bad. I'm not familiar with the genre so it should be taken with a grain of salt, but my tag changes should be a basic example of posts that are and are not ugly_bastard.

Also just a warning, some of these posts can have some heavy themes in them if uncomfortable looking figures doing evil things wasn't enough of one.

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