Topic: Tag alias: caliptid -> kintsugeist

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

manitka said:
You reversed the alias.

Sorry my bad. It could also use another alias for their other old handle CalicoCryptid in this case

spuriouszabaione said:
Sorry my bad. It could also use another alias for their other old handle CalicoCryptid in this case

True, I just did this because the handle of caliptid was being used as an actual tag. Because it only had four posts, I manually changed them all to the current name, but I figured that only this one would need an alias because it was previously used on this site and has an artist entry.

atomicblaze21 said:
True, I just did this because the handle of caliptid was being used as an actual tag. Because it only had four posts, I manually changed them all to the current name, but I figured that only this one would need an alias because it was previously used on this site and has an artist entry.

I was wondering why the alias request was created if none are tagged under caliptid. It all makes sense now!

For now, I'm scratching the plan for the additional alias given that none are tagged caliptid at the moment and all twitter posts in search engine results automatically redirect to the most recent Kintsugeist handle.

Bumping this alias request for reevaluation! Caliptid and CalicoCryptid were once aliases of artist currently known as Kintsugeist