The tag implication #64927 lieutenant_trouser -> tiger has been rejected.
Reason: add species tag for this character
EDIT: The tag implication lieutenant_trouser -> tiger (forum #419997) has been rejected by @LEORChn.
Updated by auto moderator
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
The tag implication #64927 lieutenant_trouser -> tiger has been rejected.
Reason: add species tag for this character
EDIT: The tag implication lieutenant_trouser -> tiger (forum #419997) has been rejected by @LEORChn.
Updated by auto moderator
leorchn said:
Reason: add species tag for this character
We do not imply species tags to character tags, even though that is their canonical species.
This is because they may appear as alternate_species or in cosplay by another character/species.
thegreatwolfgang said:
We do not imply species tags to character tags, even though that is their canonical species.
This is because they may appear as alternate_species or in cosplay by another character/species.
i see. thanks
leorchn said:
i see. thanks
If you want to remove your suggestion, don't hide the thread as it will not remove it from the system.
You may go to implication #64927 and click on "Reject" under the commands instead.
The tag implication lieutenant_trouser -> tiger (forum #419997) has been rejected by @LEORChn.