The tag implication #64962 sex_through_bodysuit -> sex_through_clothing is pending approval.
Reason: Bodysuits/catsuits, and other similar things are forms of clothing. This would also apply to giving implications for "bodysuit"
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
The tag implication #64962 sex_through_bodysuit -> sex_through_clothing is pending approval.
Reason: Bodysuits/catsuits, and other similar things are forms of clothing. This would also apply to giving implications for "bodysuit"
Do we actually need the sex_through_bodysuit tag? Tagging a post sex_through_clothing and bodysuit does the job just as well.
Also, if we were to keep this tag we would need to create own sex_through_* tags for every piece of clothing where it's applicable. That would result in a bunch of overly specific tags nobody uses and tag bloat.
Also sex_through_clothing vs clothed_sex seem like a weak distinction, that's easy to mix up.