Topic: Dick sucking BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #9391 is pending approval.

create implication fellatio_pov (653) -> fellatio (157532)
create implication fellatio_while_penetrated (180) -> fellatio (157532)
create implication fellatio_sandwich (73) -> fellatio (157532)
create implication fellatio_while_masturbating (59) -> fellatio (157532)
create implication fellatio_while_pecjob (53) -> fellatio (157532)
create implication fellatio_while_handjob (30) -> fellatio (157532)
create implication fellatio_through_body (12) -> fellatio (157532)
create implication dildo_fellatio (986) -> fellatio (157532)
create implication oversized_fellatio (862) -> fellatio (157532) # duplicate of implication #60327
create implication upside_down_fellatio (680) -> fellatio (157532)
create implication upside_down_autofellatio (27) -> autofellatio (9319)
create implication sex_toy_fellatio (584) -> fellatio (157532)
create implication internal_fellatio (571) -> fellatio (157532)
create implication double_fellatio (453) -> fellatio (157532) # duplicate of implication #3566
create implication mutual_fellatio (444) -> fellatio (157532)
create implication strapon_fellatio (241) -> fellatio (157532)
create implication triple_collaborative_fellatio (204) -> collaborative_fellatio (5336)
create implication collaborative_autofellatio (64) -> autofellatio (9319)
create implication double_dildo_fellatio (129) -> fellatio (157532)
create implication mutual_double_dildo_fellatio (114) -> fellatio (157532)
create implication tail_fellatio (115) -> fellatio (157532)
create implication tail_autofellatio (79) -> autofellatio (9319)
create implication duckface_fellatio (101) -> fellatio (157532)
create implication obscured_fellatio (93) -> fellatio (157532)
create implication assisted_autofellatio (80) -> autofellatio (9319)

Reason: Not sure if triple_collaborative_fellatio should be changed to triple_fellatio due to the existence of double_fellatio
Shouldn't autofellatio + fellatio_pov be autofellatio_pov instead like in the case of 2547136? Same with others like fellatio_pov where it should be autofellatio_pov instead?

I'm not sure fellatio_through_body really counts as fellatio. Then again, a good chunk of bulge_suck IS tagged fellatio, so maybe it counts?

Dildo_fellatio/sex_toy_fellatio/strapon_fellatio/double_dildo_fellatio/mutual_double_dildo_fellatio should not imply fellatio, since they involve a sex toy rather than a penis. Instead, it should be mutual_double_dildo_fellatio -> double_dildo_fellatio -> dildo_fellatio -> sex_toy_fellatio and strapon_fellatio -> sex_toy_fellatio.

Oversized_fellatio is sometimes more like a penis_lick than fellatio, so I'm not so sure about it post #3155181. Also, there's been some controversy over whether oversized_fellatio is a good tag name.

Collaborative_autofellatio is a confusing name. It's for oral stimulation of a penis both by oneself and a partner at the same time. Before I looked it up, I figured it would be for autofellatio by a character with multiple heads working together. I'm not sure what a better name would be though, so if there's nothing better, we can leave it. Assisted_autofellatio is currently defined in the same way as how collaborative_autofellatio is used, and most of its posts reflect this. In my opinion, it should instead be used for ACTUALLY assisting someone in performing autofellatio by holding them in a proper position (it already has a few posts like this). post #2456055


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