Topic: Alias: stinging_nettle -> stinging_nettles, Imply: stinging_nettles -> nettles

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #9399 is pending approval.

create alias stinging_nettle (2) -> stinging_nettles (4)
create implication stinging_nettles (4) -> nettles (8)

Reason: These all refer to the same plant. Well, technically no... The "stinging nettle" is a type of "nettle" ( ), but is there any realistic chance of a different type of nettle showing up in a post? I'm not very familiar with nettles, but I'm guessing not. The only reason the stinging nettle shows up in a few posts is that it's occasionally used in BDSM to intentionally create a burning sensation.

EDIT: Apparently, post #4138652 and its child post have nettles tagged in a non-BDSM context. I'm not sure which of the plants in the picture is being referred to. Hmm... This might need to be an implication after all. I'll update it.


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