Topic: `high-vis` and related tag updates

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #9432 is pending approval.

mass update high-vis -> high-visibility_clothing
create implication high-visibility_clothing (0) -> clothing (2103702)
create alias hi_vis (0) -> high-visibility_clothing (0)
create alias hi_viz (0) -> high-visibility_clothing (0)
create alias hi_vis_clothing (0) -> high-visibility_clothing (0)
create alias hi_viz_clothing (0) -> high-visibility_clothing (0)
create alias high_vis (0) -> high-visibility_clothing (0)
create alias high_viz (0) -> high-visibility_clothing (0)
create alias high-vis (61) -> high-visibility_clothing (0)
create alias high-viz (0) -> high-visibility_clothing (0)
create alias high_vis_clothing (0) -> high-visibility_clothing (0)
create alias high_viz_clothing (0) -> high-visibility_clothing (0)
create alias high-vis_clothing (0) -> high-visibility_clothing (0)
create alias high-viz_clothing (0) -> high-visibility_clothing (0)
create implication high-visibility_vest (26) -> high-visibility_clothing (0)
create implication high-visibility_vest (26) -> safety_vest (177)
create alias hi_vis_vest (0) -> high-visibility_vest (26)
create alias hi_viz_vest (0) -> high-visibility_vest (26)
create alias high_vis_vest (0) -> high-visibility_vest (26)
create alias high_viz_vest (0) -> high-visibility_vest (26)
create alias high-vis_vest (0) -> high-visibility_vest (26)
create alias high-viz_vest (0) -> high-visibility_vest (26)

Reason: These changes are meant to improve the high-vis and high-visibility_vest tags in three ways:

  • Improve the naming of high-vis to be more specific and accurate and make it consistent with high-visibility_vest
  • Connect high-vis to the obvious and frequently used clothing tag, and connect high-visibility_vest to the obvious and more frequently used high-vis and safety_vest (and by extension vest) tags
  • Optionally, acknowledge common, colloquial names of varying spellings (vis versus viz, hi versus high, - hyphenated versus _ non-hyphenated) and degrees of brevity (variants with and without clothing)

Thank you for your consideration!

rupikonna said:
Is there some meaningful difference between safety_vest and high-visibility_vest? They seem like same tag that should be aliased together rather than implied.

safety_vest focuses on the practical utility of the vest rather than than specific hi-vis colors, based on a tag search and the wiki page of safety_vest. One could even argue that those two are completely orthogonal, but based on the description for safety_vest that’d really be splitting hairs. I’m most comfortable saying that high_visibility_vest is specifically a subtype or subset of safety_vest. I’m open to aliasing them though.


perihelia said:
safety_vest focuses on the practical utility of the vest rather than than specific hi-vis colors, based on a tag search and the wiki page of safety_vest. One could even argue that those two are completely orthogonal, but based on the description for safety_vest that’d really be splitting hairs. I’m most comfortable saying that high_visibility_vest is specifically a subtype or subset of safety_vest. I’m open to aliasing them though.

I feel like it makes most sense to alias high-visibility_vest to safety_vest and have safety_vest imply high-visibility_clothing. The distinction between the two types of vests seems nearly nonexistent at best (though if you can find an example that would be tagged as one but not the other, I'd be glad to see it), but the generic high-visibility_clothing tag still seems useful to cover non-vest types of clothing like jackets.

spe said:
I feel like it makes most sense to alias high-visibility_vest to safety_vest and have safety_vest imply high-visibility_clothing. The distinction between the two types of vests seems nearly nonexistent at best (though if you can find an example that would be tagged as one but not the other, I'd be glad to see it), but the generic high-visibility_clothing tag still seems useful to cover non-vest types of clothing like jackets.

You’re right. I looked at both tags again, and checked the wiki page of safety_vest and there’s no practical difference between them. I only found two posts of note: an uncolored sketch/inking of a vest on post #4201650, and a likely mistag on post #4770789. Not to derail the discussion, but what would you say is an appropriate tag for that post (blue shorts with caution tape-esque, yellow- and black -striped borders)?

You suggested aliasing high-visibility_vest to safety_vest. Do you think that’s better/worse/no different than doing the reverse (aliasing safety_vest to high-visibility_vest)? I don’t mean to delay things over minor details, just curious. Playing devil’s advocate, there’s a certain consistency in using high-visibility on all the canonical tags, it makes the implied high-visibility_clothing tag just a little more obvious (if only for neurodivergent folks), and right now the wiki text for safety_vest would be an absolutely perfect fit if the tag were renamed.


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