Hi, Don't really know where to go, So I'm turning to the amazing artists and animators that post their work to E621. Please note, this is all purely out of curiosity, wanting to share, and Making notes for the future. I'm not in the market for commissioning animations or anything right now, I mean, I'm poor as Oliver Twist and the moment, but I have been building up penny by penny an opportunity for this.
Simply put, I want to know if there is anyone interested in turning this https://youtu.be/KM0L43XQ31E?si=5wT-OVFO0wpe6tHw into a fully animated video. There's already a partial animation posted to this platform, But I think this song (albeit a song from a defunct Animatronic show from an equally defunct company) would really would work with animation.
Anybody at all slightly interested?