The thing about the three somatotypes is that they are as broad as can be. And while that does mean that there is no easy alias for them, it does make them a good set of umbrella tags for the tag group:figures. So implakashens (had no idea how to spell this, so I did it phonetically) is a good idea.
So I decided to list every official rekennised (I did it again) figure tag with each somatotype. But before I do, I will say that I will also be doing the double types, sense that gives us more to work with. And I will be doing those after the mono types. I will not be doing the middle of all three though, because that would just be "average", which this site does not consider tag worthy.
- Slightly_chubby
- Overweight
- Curvy_figure (shouldn't actually be included, but most of it's sup tags should, with the exception of one, to be shown later.)
- Short_stack
For the naming of the double types, sense the standard arrangement of the types puts mesomorphs on top of the triangle, endomorphs on the bottom-left, and ectomorphs on the bottom-right, I will name them in clockwise fashion. So: meso-ectomorph, ecto-endomorph and endo-mesomorph. There inverses (ecto-mesomoeph, endo-ectomorph, meso-endomorph) would be aliased to them, of course.
- Pear-shaped_figure
- Teapot_(body_type)
- Bottom_heavy (if lower half is fatty)
- Top_heavy (if breast based)
- Musclegut
- Stocky
- Bottom_heavy (if lower half is muscler)
- Top_heavy (if muscle based)
Top_heavy honestly covers two very different tap of bodies, and should probably be two tags.
I don't know how much you want to count the breasts for the somatotypes, but I did for the sake of example.
I honestly believe there could be more tags that are not yet rekenised (English spelling is stupid, and atuo-create does not take sounds into account), so please suggest any tag to fit in.
I am also assuming that there are good reasons why some of these tags do not imply each other.