Topic: Hickey BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #9520 is pending approval.

create implication hickey (187) -> bruised (5038)
create alias hickeys (8) -> hickey (187)
create alias hickie (3) -> hickey (187)
create alias hickies (17) -> hickey (187)
create alias love_bite (416) -> love_bite_(disambiguation) (0)
create alias love_bites (3) -> love_bite_(disambiguation) (0)
change category love_bite_(disambiguation) (0) -> invalid

post #4335835 post #1619976 post #2567349

A hickey is a small bruise from a kiss/suck/bite usually found around the neck or chest area. This BUR consolidates the various spellings into one tag and implies it to bruised.

'Love bite' is a synonym of hickey. The love bite tag is currently defined as:

When the act of a character's bite on another character is visibly done out of passion and intimacy. Usually done as (but not limited to) a neck bite.

This is rather nebulous when it comes to TWYS and is basically just a combination of bite and love (also nebulous but that's a whole 'nother issue). The tag is currently a mix of biting in various contexts (usually on the neck or shoulder), sometimes gentle, sometimes hard, as well as hickeys and bite marks. I don't think the current definition of the tag is very useful and I think a disambiguation would serve it well.


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