Topic: wiki conflict: centaur wiki vs equine_taur wiki

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Small conflict between definitions at centaur wiki and equine_taur wiki.

(in my opinion centaur wiki is correct)

Centaur wiki starts with "A creature ... with the body of a horse, but the upper body of a human growing out where the horse's neck and head should be."

While equine_taur starts with "A taur with the body of a horse, but the upper body of a human or anthro growing out where the horse's neck and head should be."

My objection is to the word "human" at the start of the equine_taur wiki.
Because I believe a taur with horse body, but a HUMAN upperbody would be tagged as a centaur .

Ok to edit equine_taur wiki so :

1) removing "a human or" resulting in : "A taur with the body of a horse, but the upper body of an anthro growing out where the horse's neck and head should be." ?

2) modify the See also section:


  • taur
    • equine_taur - Equine taur


(Added equid_taur line. Tags that imply to equid_taur : centaur, equine_taur, pegasus_taur )
(changed "humanoid" in centaur line to "human")

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