Topic: [REJECTED] Tag implication: thigh_sex_pussyjob_titfuck_hot_dogging_frotting_mutual_masturbation -> outercourse

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag implication #65605 thigh_sex_pussyjob_titfuck_hot_dogging_frotting_mutual_masturbation -> outercourse has been rejected.

Reason: All the above acts involve non-penetrative ways of having sex, even if penetration does occur. Outercourse is the best way to group all these tags together, much like how we group fellatio and cunnilingus together under oral sex, gynomorph and andromorph under intersex, or even the vast array of sex positions from either the front or behind. Having the term outercourse implicated by all these tags would make the overlap between them clearer, as e621 has significantly less posts tagged with outercourse compared to each aforementioned tag.

EDIT: The tag implication thigh_sex_pussyjob_titfuck_hot_dogging_frotting_mutual_masturbation -> outercourse (forum #424407) has been rejected by @spe.

Updated by auto moderator

This would need to be a BUR, not a single implication request which can only do a single tag.

scth said:
Forum -> request BUR
The each implication would be its own line, like
imply thigh_sex -> outercourse

Got it, thank you. I will hide this post now so it doesn't obscure other posts.

i'veseensomuch said:
Got it, thank you. I will hide this post now so it doesn't obscure other posts.

Don't hide implication/alias requests. It doesn't reject the request and can cause problems with future requests.

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