Topic: The oldest post on e621

Posted under Off Topic

So, I have been on e621 for about two months now, and I would like to know: What is the oldest post to date on e621? If you can't find it, the oldest one you know works too.


Posts 1-12 were destroyed, yes. IIRC one of the old admins said that most of those were random cat pictures uploaded as test images.

Updated by anonymous

aurel said:
The first post on E6...
was made by the same guy who did the cheese grater?

... that explains so much :D

Illuminati, confirmed

Updated by anonymous

aurel said:
The first post on E6...
was made by the same guy who did the cheese grater?

... that explains so much :D

I wonder how much praise/crap cbee gets for that infamous cheese grater pic.

Updated by anonymous

Wow, I haven't checked on this for a while. So, the oldest surviving post on here is a dragon penis. Simply amazing.

Updated by anonymous

thecreepycomment said:
"cum on this button"
why don't we have a button like that? A single vote you get every 24 hours, that could help hardcore fetish posts to avoid the ultra -85 scores they receive because nobody uses a blacklist.

The favorite count should be good enough for that.

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