I absolutely hate that the tag bestiality is used here at all. Let me explain:
it looks bad on e621 to have this tag at all (you all removed cub for this reason despite them clearly being cubs and not "young")
It's inaccurate. In a world of anthros and ferals, they're much similar in species and the ferals are typically santient, making them not "lower animals" per this definition:
"sexual relations between a human being and a lower animal"
It could be argued bestiality could be used if it's human/feral, but even then, it's art so it's not the act of bestiality so just use human/feral.
And yet human/anthro isn't bestiality despite if furry anthros existed, people would be shamed for being attracted to them. (just like so called furries judge other furries for liking ferals.)