The bulk update request #9803 is pending approval.
create implication mary_poppins_(character) (5) -> mary_poppins (23)
create implication fox_(mary_poppins) (10) -> mary_poppins (23)
create implication bert_(mary_poppins) (2) -> mary_poppins (23)
create implication clyde_(mary_poppins_returns) (6) -> mary_poppins_returns (9)
create implication shamus_(mary_poppins_returns) (7) -> mary_poppins_returns (9)
create implication mary_poppins_returns (9) -> mary_poppins (23)
Reason: mary_poppins is copyright tag. NO tags currently imply to mary_poppins tag.
E621 has other Mary Poppins tags: mary_poppins_(character) , mary_poppins_returns and fox_(mary_poppins), bert_(mary_poppins), etc.
In copyright category:
1) mary_poppins tag (with 23 posts)
2) mary_poppins_returns (with 9 posts)
In character category:
mary_poppins_(character) with 5 posts
fox_(mary_poppins) with 10 posts.
bert_(mary_poppins) with 2 posts
clyde_(mary_poppins_returns) with 6 posts
shamus_(mary_poppins_returns) with 7 posts