Topic: Tag Alias: lolita -> loli

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing lolita → loli
Link to alias


Note that it seems to be being tagged on for lolita fashion, which confuses things slightly. I'm not sure if this one was intentionally left unaliased but I thought I'd mention it.



Former Staff

Against. Some posts currently tagged as lolita are non-sexual or adults, and shouldn't be tagged as loli.

I think we need a tag for the lolita costume. Maybe lolita_outfit?

(By the way, somewhat unrelated, but before I forget: outfit and costume seem to be used in the same way. Alias?)

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Against. Some posts currently tagged as lolita are non-sexual or adults, and shouldn't be tagged as loli.

I think we need a tag for the lolita costume. Maybe lolita_outfit?

I was actually leaning towards lolita_fashion but that works too. We also have gothic_lolita which is a specific type that seems to be more popular than the others for whatever reason.

(By the way, somewhat unrelated, but before I forget: outfit and costume seem to be used in the same way. Alias?)

Looking here you're definitely right. +1 for that. The few tags here could be cleaned up pretty easily.

Updated by anonymous

I've made the following changes:

Most of them fit under the fashion and the posts that were tagged haven't really changed much since I made the OP, therefore I went ahead and moved the alias to lolita_(fashion). If we were a more human-centric board this might cause issues, but it doesn't seem like it would as of right now.

Updated by anonymous