Topic: Flash Creators - Use a Preloader

Posted under Art Talk

Because, I have an anxiety disorder that means easily startled.
So when you're like Minus8 whom I have blocked, And don't use a preloader and whos animations tend to start with a SHARP LOUD NOTE/BEAT It's piratically jumpscare in audioform.

I'm not going to sit here and act like an SJW and use the word trigger. But, come on. Preloader and mute button would be lovely. I'm not acting entitled either. I'm just saying have some respect for those who are going to watch it.

Updated by user 59725

I know it's not a solution, but most of these problems come from flash files, so what you could do is get a flash blocker (or change settings) which lets you click on it to play it, that way you will be able to either turn down volume beforehand or not bother clicking on it at all.

Updated by anonymous

theolentist said:
that means easily startled.


Updated by anonymous

It's fairly undertagged, but I'd recommend blacklisting sound_warning and possibly sound. I'd also recommend what Chessax suggested, many browsers have this built in but you'll have to check out the link to find something that works for you.

Updated by anonymous

I never thought about it from that angle. And it's a good reason.

Parasprite nailed the other one, looking for sound or sound warning before clicking it

Updated by anonymous

But I like being jumpscared.
I'd like a preloader more for the fact that it's either going to be a whitescreen until the game loads, or its not going to load up all the way before starting, meaning it'll pause during the flash itself.

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
or its not going to load up all the way before starting, meaning it'll pause during the flash itself.

always an annoyance with flash related things. ALWAYS

edit: odd, i just checked and i hear no audio of any kind in any of minu8's flash videos. compared to a few i have downloaded which play audio fine, i fail to see the problem with these in particular. or perhaps firefox is acting weird on me.

ok, that's what it was. for some reason the audio in firefox broke and i had to close and reopen the browser to fix it. >.>

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
Some swf load external (off e621) content right? Can we ban them?

I've seen one case where the external source went 404 and I had to remove the post, but they haven't really caused many issues so far (not that I know of).

That being said, if you see a flash post with externally loaded sources feel free to upload a replacement that doesn't (i.e., includes the files in the swf). Just make sure and leave a note (comment/description field) to let us know that it's not just a dupe.

Updated by anonymous

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