Topic: Online Porn getting blocked in the UK

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Came by this newsbit today, sounds quite concerning. Any UK furries using the site might want to look out to get this filter disabled.

Highlights include:

The UK's biggest internet service providers have agreed to the filters scheme meaning it should cover 95% of homes.

Other measures announced by the prime minister included:

New laws so videos streamed online in the UK will be subject to the same restrictions as those sold in shops
Search engines having until October to introduce further measures to block illegal content
Experts from the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre being given more powers to examine secretive file-sharing networks
A secure database of banned child pornography images gathered by police across the country will be used to trace illegal content and the paedophiles viewing it

Mr Cameron also called for warning pages to pop up with helpline numbers when people try to search for illegal content.

Updated by Millcore

And I thought the Australian porn laws here were the worst.

No wait. They still are.

Updated by anonymous

It looks like this is focussed on child pornography, not pornography in general, but some of it is a lazy shotgun approach. On its own, as described in that article, it seems like no problem at all, but of course one must always be aware not only of hidden riders in any legislation but also anything that comes later once this "has its foot in the door".

Updated by anonymous

If this is the only thing happening to the UK then they will have quite sensible solution, if implemented correctly, you get asked if you wish to access porn or not and can decide whether or not you wish to see such content and otherwise only CP and rape-porn will be banned.

However, there are quite a few girls who have and live out rape fantasies with their boyfriends, who simply enjoy the feeling of the controlled loss over the situation while having sex, will they break the law if they film their intercourse?
Will they be prosecuted if they upload this?
Or BDSM in general, what exactly makes rape-porn rape porn? An actress tied down or to a wall? Role play?

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
what exactly makes rape-porn rape porn?

anything the feminists don't like = rape porn

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
anything the feminists don't like = rape porn

Anything that breathes in porn = rape porn

Updated by anonymous

Oh, I missed the part about particular porn actually being illegal. No, that's bad. It's okay to have an optional filter, as long as that filter always and forever stays completely optional, but they shouldn't outright outlaw anything that isn't real (i.e., it's not okay to rape someone and take pictures, but it's okay to just pretend and sell it to silly people).

Updated by anonymous

Well, fuck. I don't think this will affect furry porn, though. I mean, I don't think the Prime Minister even knows ANYTHING about it. So, e621 is most likely to not be registered as an 'up-for-filtering' site.

Updated by anonymous

Fairly sure e621 will be blocked, as it is blocked on most "family friendly" filters that I have come across. Most recently the mobile O2 filter, which had a proper hissy fit when I tried to access e621.

Really going to enjoy seeing my landlord and saying "... you know that filter.. yeah that one. Can you, erm, disable it please?"

Hate to think of the young men/women who live with their parents and would have the same awkward conversation.

This is just a start, however. Before you know it, VPNs/TOR/proxies will be illegal, as well as general encryption. When they shoe horn the phrase "think of the children", it seems any such legislation is easily passed. Going against it immediately labels you as a sexual deviant.

And the most ironic thing is that this filter campaign is spearheaded by the Daily Mail, who will be probably be blocked themselves because of the amount of skin their website shows.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah. Whenever I hear the phrase "think of the children", I say to that, "Surely you mean 'shield them from a truth'?" I mean, yes, the truths about society; corrupt politicians, death, violence ect. are all horrible, but they're actually real things. It's not something you can simply shove under the carpet; all lies are horrid, in the end.

This is why we need Mr. Cameron to go stuff himself. Maybe Liberalism will get in. At least, I hope.


Updated by anonymous

"online pornography is corroding childhood."

Yup, viewing porn of Sonic the Hedgehog is corroding [my] childhood.

not really,I love it

Updated by anonymous

To be honest, I think that the big porn industries won't let this pass. There's simply too much money to lose over it.

Although, I DO agree with the 'No BDSM/Rape porn' part of that article.

EDIT: Oh, god, I just re-read the whole article. 'Promises', Mr Prime Minister? I remember a few you've yet to fulfill.

Updated by anonymous

In addition, the prime minister said possessing online pornography depicting rape would become illegal in England and Wales - in line with Scotland.

You know, I think that they getting to the issue from wrong side. They should start with banning media depicting killing. After all murder is more serious crime than rape. Then rape. Then violence. Then nasty language. Until there won't be anything but My Little Pony. Only then world will be the better place.

Updated by anonymous

Gilda_The_Gryphon said:
You know, I think that they getting to the issue from wrong side. They should start with banning media depicting killing. After all murder is more serious crime than rape. Then rape. Then violence. Then nasty language. Until there won't be anything but My Little Pony. Only then world will be the better place.

For some reason, most people see rape as being worse than death, even though most rape victims aren't traumatized for life.

Updated by anonymous

"A secure database of banned child pornography images gathered by police across the country will be used to trace illegal content and the paedophiles viewing it" the cops can view child porn....
For some reason this just seems to me kinda like the whole "admins can view deleted posts" kinda thing...
Feels shady bro...

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
"A secure database of banned child pornography images gathered by police across the country will be used to trace illegal content and the paedophiles viewing it" the cops can view child porn....
For some reason this just seems to me kinda like the whole "admins can view deleted posts" kinda thing...
Feels shady bro...

MD5 searches, honey pots, list of children who need to be identified so the person creating the porn can be tracked and then prosecuted,... .
There are some reasons to keep them, you can't exactly destroy all evidence before you have successfully prosecuted the offender(s).

Updated by anonymous

There's a caveat in child porn laws for those who need to possess it for legal reasons regarding government work.
So, police, prosecutors, the IT guys who manage the child porn databases etc.
Even defense lawyers who have it as part of the evidence disclosure.

Updated by anonymous

I just think things will only get worse... the next you know furry are ban too... and slowly they keep doing to other stuff(games, movies, youtube, TV, and ect.)... and slowly until there are nothing to live for

Updated by anonymous

tfkcex said:
I just think things will only get worse... the next you know furry are ban too... and slowly they keep doing to other stuff(games, movies, youtube, TV, and ect.)... and slowly until there are nothing to live for

Of course... They have just announced the blocking of two more torrent sites...

Updated by anonymous

The world we live in...

tfkcex said:
I just think things will only get worse... the next you know furry are ban too... and slowly they keep doing to other stuff(games, movies, youtube, TV, and ect.)... and slowly until there are nothing to live for

Then we get a dictator, the world converges into one world power, and secret police... People living in fear...
[Insert Complaint] sucks.

Updated by anonymous

England: "No no.. you must use OUR internet, not your own"
People: "But your internet sucks!"
England: "Well if you don't like it? leave"
People: *Goes to found the new world*

Updated by anonymous

Siriku said:
Will TOR give adequate anonymity for sites like this? I suppose if it does, nothing changes too drastically.

Oh, let's hope so. I rarely watch real porn, anyway; as long as this site's up for me, I'm happy.

Updated by anonymous

AbsebaroKoon said:
[…]Then we get a dictator[…]

I'll buy you for a dollah'

Updated by anonymous

Renard_Queenston said:
I wonder if e921 will be OK?

Doesn't that site still have adult banners?

Updated by anonymous

Queen_Tyr'ahnee said:
Doesn't that site still have adult banners?


Updated by anonymous

Renard_Queenston said:
So, it will be saved? e926, I mean.

Speaking about e926, is it just me, or is the site broken and looks like this.

Updated by anonymous

Gilda_The_Gryphon said:
Speaking about e926, is it just me, or is the site broken and looks like this.

Yup, images are'nt loading for me either.

Updated by anonymous

It would be better if it was the other way round. You know, have this passed but by default everyone is opted in and if anyone wants to opt out they can do so simply by requesting it. It will be less awkward for those who want to stay opted in (the majority of people) and at the same time it will make the parents who decide to opt out look more responsible.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
Last interview I read, Cameron said he wanted to make the internet safer from swindlers, liars, pedophiles and perverts... so, himself?

Didn't Chris Hanson make the internets safer from pedo's and perverts?

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Yup, images are'nt loading for me either.

Works fine for me, but I've also got all those fancy little add ons disabled.

Updated by anonymous

Kaiselius said:
Works fine for me, but I've also got all those fancy little add ons disabled.

Works for me with no addons. Looks like the problem has been resolved.

Updated by anonymous

We need to protect the children! As if any kid is just looking up porn. Make it the parents job to be the porn-blockers, if they don't then whatever happens is on them, not that anything will happen. It's natural, fucking is nature. If you see to dogs humping do you think it's because they watched porn online and got fucked up in the head? NO! It's cause they were programmed to fuck. Besides, kids will ALWAYS find a way to look at porn, like little Timmy swiping his dad's porn stash and charging the other kids at school to look at them for five minutes.

Updated by anonymous

NightLord14 said:
We need to protect the children! As if any kid is just looking up porn. Make it the parents job to be the porn-blockers, if they don't then whatever happens is on them, not that anything will happen. It's natural, fucking is nature. If you see to dogs humping do you think it's because they watched porn online and got fucked up in the head? NO! It's cause they were programmed to fuck. Besides, kids will ALWAYS find a way to look at porn, like little Timmy swiping his dad's porn stash and charging the other kids at school to look at them for five minutes.

The main problem is that kids today know more fetishes than their parents :p

Updated by anonymous

Oh forgotten thread, lost to the ages...
Arise and return to the frontmost pages...

strikerman said:
Well, while we're here...

Did this 'porn ban' ever actually come into effect?

Isn't Europe responsible for the temporary attempt to ban porn on OnlyFans, and the heavy purge of PornHub? Maybe those are just rumors.

strikerman said:
Well, while we're here...

Did this 'porn ban' ever actually come into effect?

I'm from the UK, yes, all porn is now banned. I have to get my furry porn on the black market, I know a guy who can smuggle me in a few printed jpegs in a crate of oranges.

For real though, all this change meant was that when yet set up a new account with a major ISP, their optional adult content filter is on by default. It's not even a law, it's just something the major ISPs said they'd do so the government could pretend they'd "saved the children".

There was talk of forcing adult websites to use proper age verification (i.e. not just ticking "I'm over 18", actually checking your identity), but the government quietly dropped the idea, presumably when someone pointed out to them that it would be a national security nightmare if a porn site's user database got hacked and a blackmailer could get the name of every MP who'd looked at incest porn.

furrin_gok said:
Isn't Europe responsible for the temporary attempt to ban porn on OnlyFans, and the heavy purge of PornHub? Maybe those are just rumors.

IIRC, those were a result of MasterCard and/or Visa threatening to stop payment processing for them, which would've cut off their ability to get and disburse money. And rumor has it, it's American evangelicals that are pressuring the card companies to put up more barriers to adult work.

watsit said:
And rumor has it, it's American evangelicals that are pressuring the card companies to put up more barriers to adult work.

Given their history, I wouldn't be surprised

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