It has come to my attention that this post is way smaller than the source to the point of being unreadable, but cannot be replaced with the original because it exceeds the height limits despite being only 5.3MB and about 20 megapixels. Which is a lot, but the site technically allows uploads as big as 15,000x15,000, over 200 megapixels. I could download the source and manually downscale it to 15,000 pixels high and it would still be an improvement, but I don't feel right about using the image replacement tool that way (and I'm not sure it would even be allowed).
So what I'm proposing is that, rather than a fixed cap on both height and width, tall comics like this should be allowed as long as they're within a reasonable megapixel count and file size. Wide images... I'm not so sure. Those are a lot more of a pain to scroll, and I can't imagine why anyone would ever make one that wide.