The tag implication #66045 telekinesisjob -> psychic_stimulation is pending approval.
Reason: The two tags seem to refer to the same thing, and psychic_stimulation seems to be more in line with our tag naming convention
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
The tag implication #66045 telekinesisjob -> psychic_stimulation is pending approval.
Reason: The two tags seem to refer to the same thing, and psychic_stimulation seems to be more in line with our tag naming convention
hmm, there's also magicjob
pleaseletmein said:
hmm, there's also magicjob
is that the same? in the case of My Little Pony characters it is, but i'm not convinced all magic-related stimulation counts as psychic stimulation
The distinction between magic and psychic powers is somewhat arbitrary. And in some cases there may not be a distinction. Many games have Telekinesis as a magic spell, and some systems may consider magic and psychic powers to be equivalent, or for psychic powers to be a form of magic.